Five (5) important things to do immediately after you arrive in the UK as an international student

As a foreign national who just arrived the United Kingdom for studies you will be faced with a lot of cultural shocks, it’s essential to have a sound knowledge of the requirements and regulations which is necessary to navigate your journey and make your academic life stress-free. Here are few actions your need to take as soon as you arrive.

1: Attend your university orientation:  many universities in the united kingdom provides orientation program to help new students to settle in, here your will be introduced to various support systems ranging from student union support groups to academic advisers and personal tutors, you will learn about campus life, academic requirements, career opportunities etc. Remember your university is the sole visa sponsor and should always come first.

2: Register with the police:  make sure to register and get your disclosure and barring service (DBS) details, this is a police clearance check that employers, landlords use to make recruitment decisions which when you don’t have it, it’s almost impossible to get a job, rent a house etc.

3: Open a bank account: your finance is a very crucial aspect of your daily living and it’s important to get it right, there are so many banks available to students with cheap services, choosing your bank, managing your finances and maintaining a good credit score is key to so many things you might  be interested to do in future, like making purchases which could be minor things like buying a smart phone, laptop or even bigger decisions like buying a car or buying a home, many businesses don’t like to partner with individuals with poor credit score.

4: Apply for your National Insurance number (NINo): if you are interested in working either part time or full time during holidays, your national insurance number contains all your information’s and ensures you pay the right taxes and receive the accurate pay for whatever job you have done, many employers ask for this information before employing you and it’s almost impossible to secure any job without having your NINo.

5: Register with your local surgery (GP): the importance of prioritizing your health can never be over emphasized, your Gp is your first line of contact in the event of any health crises or even for regular checkups, find the nearest Gp near you and register by simply going to Google and search for your nearest Gp, register and endeavor to get in touch with them when you need to.

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